
We buy a lot of Honda Accord CL7

This car has a commn problem with DVD ROM

DVD ROM is not about  just DISK  but DVD READER, or Navigation Unit. Formal name is “Navigation Unit Information Platform (Alpine)” and Formal parts number is 39540-SEA-305   Original price  is 285,000yen,

So noone would like to pay this amount for  just DVD Rom. So we try to find second hand or try to reapire.

Honda Accord DVD Rom


Normaly they are sold 30,000-60,000yen   very very expensive     We happend to find more cheaper one.

Simptom is DVD can not read disk so common problem is pick up lense and cercuit.

To repaire,  some guys sell  after market brand new  pick-up-lense   which can be utalised


pick up lense
DVD pick up lense for Honda Accord

39540-SEA-J010-M1    This SEA = ACCORD